'I love u, I hate u' is a song released by American singer/song writer Gnash featuring Olivia O'Brien. The single is from Gnash's album Us. This is a rather new song being released on February 17th 2016 and the music video being released onto YouTube on March 7th 2016. The director of this music video is
The music video that I have chosen has a duration of 3 minutes 48 seconds and contains 58 different shots in total; they all have the same transition of a straight cut. Each shot lasts between 2 and 6 seconds, the longest shots are of the two artists singing and the shortest are of their surroundings and nature used to portray their feelings.
The first 30 seconds of this music video contains lots of different shots of trees and the ocean, these are shown using a simple transition of straight cuts. The shots are only on screen for a short period of time, ranging from 3 seconds to 5 seconds in length. During the clip the shots used are often of similar things or the same surrounding but have a slightly different camera angle.
From my analysis of this music video I have drawn up some ideas for when I create my own music video later on in the course. When creating my music video I would like to use more transitions, such as fades, when introducing new shots as I believe it is more interesting than simple straight cuts conventionally found in music videos. Also, I liked how the shots became longer in duration when the artists were on screen, I am going to try and incorporate this into my own video. Another feature I liked about this video was the mood of the music was demonstrated through the duration of the clips. Also the calmness of the waves portrayed the slow down in pace of the music, again this is a feature I would like to include into my music video if possible.
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